  Although in recent years, there are more and more Jeremy Levin font logos and graphic combination type logos, but the direction logo design of graphic and text types is still the mainstream. I feel that this kind of logo is higher than the first two kinds of difficulties, because graphic and text type logo design graphics and fonts, but also make logo graphics and standard characters very harmonious together. In fact, these logos are in this respect Not good enough.
  If you have designed a good logo graphic, how can you reasonably design standard characters based on it? Here are some suggestions:
  01. 如何选择字体类型?
  01. How to select font type?
  There are a lot of standard characters that can be used as symbols, such as bold type, song style, formal type, subordinates, running, etc., and many styles, such as elegant, bold, dignified, leisure, cartoon, literature, etc. So what font do we need?
  首先,我们要根据品牌所属的行业来确定大致的方向。一般来说,互联网行业和科技行业比较适合用黑体字(sans serif)作为标准字。
  First, we need to determine the general direction according to the industry to which the brand belongs. Generally speaking, the Internet industry and technology industry are more suitable to use sans serif as the standard word.
  The logo is very beautiful. Why paste it with text?
  If there are Chinese elements or retro elements in the logo, the standard Chinese characters can be song style, orthodox style, calligraphy, etc.
  The standard characters of local product and food industry logo are usually handwritten and in Song typeface.
  It is not enough to have only a general direction, because there are too many choices, we need to further narrow the selection range, which requires observing the characteristics of the graphics. Let's look at some examples:
  As the logo of the square circle group is the combination of diamond and circle, so the font also combines this feature on the radius. The outline of the text has straight lines and right angles, but a little round in the interior.
  02 what treatment for stroke?
  If logo is a geometric figure with only straight lines and no curves, should the strokes of standard Chinese characters be sharp corners and straight lines? In fact, there are very few examples of this, because such words are so tough and sharp, few people want their brands to give others such a feeling. Of course, too many fonts and serifs are not good.
  The logo above is the geometric color block of ruler, but the standard word stroke will have some curves more or less. If the classic bold and sans serif of this word pool will find that the above standard words for reference do not make too many changes, but still keep the original curve, the horizontal plane is vertical, the details and the right corner, it will be further simplified.
  If the sign shape is a curve shape, the strokes of standard characters can add some fillets appropriately. If it's a female or children's brand, it can have more rounded corners and a larger angle. For male brands or technology brands, there are fewer fillets and small corners.
  There are also some standard text designs that deliberately break some strokes to make them more design and feature, generally because logo graphics have similar effects.
  03. 笔划的厚度是多少?
  03. What is the thickness of the stroke?
  The thickness of strokes also depends on the brand's industry attributes and graphics. If it is a sign of heavy industry and construction industry, the strokes of standard characters should be thicker.
  And if it is a brand of skin care products, cosmetics, clothing, health care products industry, then the strokes of the font can be relatively fine.
  In addition, the stroke thickness of the font should also be designed according to the graphics. If the glyph is equilinear, then standard characters usually use equilinear. As for the thickness of the strokes, they should also correspond to the figures.
  You may have noticed that many standard characters of the logo combine the features of Song typeface and bold typeface, that is, the serif of Song typeface is removed, but the horizontal, thin, vertical and thick effects of Song typeface are retained. This kind of font is more modern and concise than Song typeface, and richer and more elegant than bold typeface. And the proportion of horizontal and vertical strokes will also affect the effect and temperament of the font, the big difference will be more delicate, the small difference will be more modern, easy to fall to the ground.
  04. 如何设置文本长宽比?
  04. How to set the text aspect ratio?
  In addition to the type, style and stroke of the font, the aspect ratio of the font is also closely related to the graphics. If the outline of the figure tends to be square or circular, the aspect ratio of the text (in Chinese) is usually close to 1:1.
  If the graphics are tall and thin, the text should not be too thick, but for balance, do not stretch the text too thin.
