  What are the commonly used graphic creation methods? Next, Jinan Logo Design Company will explain them to you.
  1. 同构的
  1. Isomorphic
  When we are faced with various meaningful "shapes", only one of them can not fully explain the problem. Simple listing is tedious. Therefore, when we want to fully express the concepts and make the works attractive visual interest, we need to find common factors between the images and reproduce them comprehensively. Two or more graphics are combined to form a new graphics. This is isomorphism.
  2. 解构主义
  2. Deconstructionism
  Find the connection between things, combine them reasonably, and finally convey a complete concept in a specific visual image. Deconstruction is to decompose and reconstruct related materials into new images. Through the image of deconstructionism. Get a variety of different performance materials, resulting in different performance pictures, get unexpected performance results.
  3. Compound
  Jinan professional brand planning considers that compounding is to create a new image by organizing and arranging one or more simple images, and also to create a new visual image by several forms of compounding arrangements.
  figure figure是用简单的元素抽象出来的。通过不同的编排,展现出生动活泼的人物形象,增强视觉美感。
  Figure figure is abstracted from simple elements. Through different arrangements, vivid characters can be displayed and visual aesthetics can be enhanced.
  4. 阴影模式
  4. Shadow Mode
  Under the action of light, the objective object changes abnormally and presents a corresponding object different from the original object.
  5. 交换的形状
  5. Shape of Exchange
  Transposition graphics is a comprehensive method of replacing a part with other materials on the basis of maintaining the basic shape characteristics. It uses the similarity of shape and the difference of meaning to create a new image with new ideas.
