VI即(Visual Identity),通译为视觉辨认系统,是CIS系统具传播力和感染力的局部。是将CI的非可视内容转化为静态的视觉辨认符号,以无比丰厚的多样的应用方式,在为普遍的层面上,停止直接的传播。VI设计到位、施行科学的视觉辨认系统,是传播企业运营理念、树立企业知名度、塑造企业形象的快速便利之途。
  VI (Visual Identity), translated into visual identification system, is the most communicative and infectious part of CIS system. It is to transform the non-visual content of CI into static visual identification symbols, and to stop the most direct dissemination in the most general level in the most abundant and diverse application ways. VI design in place, the implementation of scientific visual identification system, is a fast and convenient way to disseminate business philosophy, establish corporate visibility, and shape corporate image.
  在品牌营销的今天,一个公司具有良好的logo,就能肯定出公司的形象。 VI设计的个性是指要表现企业的品牌定位、产品属性和企业理念,同时将企业个性化设计元素贯串于整套VI的设计中,而不是所谓的简单套模版。 VI设计的共通性是指要表现企业的行业特征和企业肉体,同时要契合VI设计的普遍规律,要充沛思索到VI应用的产品性准绳。个性与共性之间的矛盾是设计的根本问题,VI设计由于它的特殊性就显得更重要。
  In today's brand marketing, a company with a good logo can affirm the company's image. The individuality of VI design is to show the brand positioning, product attributes and business philosophy of the enterprise, and at the same time, the individuality design elements of the enterprise run through the whole VI design, rather than the so-called simple template. The commonality of VI design is to show the characteristics of the industry and the body of the enterprise. At the same time, it should conform to the general law of VI design and think about the product criterion of VI application. The contradiction between individuality and generality is the fundamental problem of design. VI design is more important because of its particularity.
  VI design company's service content includes two parts: basic part and application part. A good VI design plays an important role in an enterprise.
  A、 在明显地将该企业与其他企业辨别开来的同时又确立该企业明显的行业特征或其他重要特征,确保该企业在经济活动当中的独立性和不可替代性;明白该企业的市场定位,属企业的无形资产的一个重要组成局部
  A. While clearly distinguishing the enterprise from other enterprises, it also establishes the obvious industry characteristics or other important characteristics of the enterprise to ensure its independence and irreplaceability in economic activities. Understanding the market orientation of the enterprise is an important part of the intangible assets of the enterprise.
  B、 传达该企业的运营理念和企业文化,以形象的视觉方式宣传企业
  B. Communicate the operation concept and corporate culture of the enterprise and publicize the enterprise visually.
  C、 以本人特有的视觉符号系统吸收公众的留意力并产生记忆,使消费者对该企业所提供的产品或效劳产生高的品牌忠实度
  C. Absorbing the public's attention and generating memory with its own unique visual symbolic system, so that consumers can have the highest brand loyalty to the products or services provided by the enterprise.
  D、 进步该企业员工对企业的认同感,进步企业士气
  D. Improve the staff's recognition of the enterprise and improve the morale of the enterprise
  VI is a perfect and systematic visual expression system centered on logo, standard characters and standard colors. The above general concepts of enterprise concept, enterprise culture, service content and enterprise standard are transformed into detailed symbols to create a common corporate image. In CI design, visual identification design is the most communicative and appealing, and the most easily accepted by the public, which is of great significance.
  A. 根本要素系统:如企业称号、企业标志、企业外型、规范字、规范色、意味图案、宣传口号等。
  A. Fundamental elements system: such as enterprise title, enterprise logo, enterprise appearance, standard words, standard color, meaning pattern, propaganda slogan, etc.
  B. 应用系统:产品外型、办公用品、企业环境、交通工具、服装服饰、广告媒体、招牌、包装系统、 公务礼品、陈列展现以及印刷出版物等。
  B. Application systems: product appearance, office supplies, enterprise environment, transportation, clothing and apparel, advertising media, signboards, packaging systems, official gifts, display and print publications, etc.
