  LOGO commonly uses three basic colors (red, yellow and blue), which are relatively pure, relatively bright and easy to attract attention.
  Color is a basic subject that must be studied in industrial design. Color research involves physics, physiology, psychology, aesthetics and art theory.
  1. 研究与分析——标志不仅仅是图形或文字的组合,它是基于企业结构的构成、行业类别、经营理念,并充分考虑标志接触的目标和应用环境,为企业制定标准的视觉符号。
  1. Research and analysis - logo is not only a combination of graphics or words, but also a visual symbol based on the composition of enterprise structure, industry category, business philosophy, and fully considering the target and application environment of logo contact, so as to formulate standards for enterprises.
  Before the design, we should first make a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the enterprise, including the enterprise's business strategy, market analysis, and the basic intentions of the top leaders of the enterprise, which are the important basis for logo design and development.
  Understanding competitors is also an important step. Identification is based on fully grasping the competitive environment.
  Therefore, we will first ask the customer to fill in a logo design questionnaire.
  2. 元素开采——元素开采是进一步做好设计开发工作的准备。
  2. Element mining-element mining is the preparation for further design and development work.
  Based on the analysis of the survey results, we will extract the type of logo structure, color orientation and trademark list which reflect the spirit and characteristics, excavate the relevant graphic elements, find the direction of logo design, so that the design objectives, rather than aimless combination of text and graphics.
  3. Design and development - fully understand the enterprise, fully grasp the design elements, can carry out design and development work from different angles and directions. Through the understanding of designer logo, give full play to imagination, design elements with different expressions, logo must achieve profound meaning, characteristics, atmospheric modeling, stable structure, color matching can be suitable for enterprises, to avoid being trapped in a traditional or popular. Different logos reflect different priorities or forms of expression. After discussion and analysis, we can find the logos suitable for enterprises.
  4. Logo修改——提案阶段确定的Logo可能在细节上并不完美。我们已经修改了标准图纸、尺寸修改、黑白应用、线条应用等形式对标志的表达,使标志的使用更加规范。
  4. Logo modification - Logo identified at the proposal stage may not be perfect in detail. We have revised the standard drawings, size modification, black and white application, line application and other forms of expression of the logo, so as to make the use of the logo more standardized.
  At the same time, in different environments, logo's characteristics and structure will not be lost, so as to achieve unified, orderly and standardized communication.
