  Not all trademarks can be remembered forever like these big companies. However, times are changing. If a company's image wants to stand out in the times, it needs to constantly learn and design a more fashionable style. In 2018, we saw the rise of responsive and equidistant design, the return of post-80/90 design, and the popularity of geometric design style. So in 2019, which trends deserve our attention and which pictures can attract customers'attention in the first place?
  The following is a summary of nine major trends. Designers use familiar styles and clever color matching to break through the limitations to a certain extent. Each style may bring a new revolution:
  1. 可变logo设计:设计师逐渐意识到logo不仅出现在广告中,对不同平台的出现要求也越来越高。传统的一刀切的设计不能很好地体现客户之间的价值联系,而不断变化的logo可以体现更多的个性化内容,传达更多的信息。
  1. Variable logo design: Designers gradually realize that logo not only appears in advertisements, but also requires more and more different platforms. Traditional one-size-fits-all design can not well reflect the value relationship between customers, while the ever-changing logo can reflect more personalized content and convey more information.
  同时,Sulliwan studio的设计logo提供了不同的组合形式,以适应更多的应用场景。
  At the same time, the design logo of Sulliwan Studio provides different combinations to adapt to more application scenarios.
  The logo of the Ballet Theatre of the Perm Opera House in Russia can be changed at any time according to the different stage scenes.
  New Age Geometric Design: Once a design trend becomes popular, designers will subconsciously tap its potential. A classic example is the geometric design style that began last year, but this year's trend is to create a cleaner, simpler but atmospheric design style by mixing geometry and color to give people a warmer feeling.
  3. Deceptive design: Deceptive eye design method, can make the logo in the era full of traditional style, showing a unique design style: broken, twisted, perspective... Various design methods can make the image of the enterprise better remembered by customers.
  4. 故事色彩设计:通过色彩来讲述故事是设计师帮助品牌建立真实关系的一种创造性方式。在这个设计风格纷繁复杂的时代,品牌信息的表达很大程度上依赖于色彩。更注重色彩细节的运用,对于品牌的有效传播,至关重要。
  4. Story color design: telling stories through color is a creative way for designers to help brand establish a true relationship. In this era of complex design style, the expression of brand information largely depends on color. More attention to the use of color details is essential for the effective dissemination of brands.
  Franklin Ferrar's logo is designed to represent the joy of parent-child relationship, to express the brand spirit and make it stand out.
  5. 负空间设计:负空间设计是一种很有吸引力的设计,设计师将在2019年将其推向极限。这个极具创意的logo经常让顾客沉浸其中,大大提升了品牌的形象价值。
  5. Negative space design: Negative space design is a very attractive design, designers will push it to the limit in 2019. This highly creative logo often immerses customers in it, greatly enhancing the image value of the brand.
  Kabooter skillfully blends the skateboarder delivery driver's silhouette with the dove's silhouette to make it look more vivid.
  6. 极简主义扩展设计:极简主义运动从20世纪70年代就开始了,但它的影响并没有减弱。2019年,设计师们将继续把这种设计风格推向高潮,用更小更抽象的设计风格来打造更多的品牌形象。
  6. Extended Minimalist Design: The Minimalist Movement began in the 1970s, but its influence has not diminished. In 2019, designers will continue to push this design style to the climax, creating more brand image with smaller and more abstract design style.
  Minimalist Design Works
  7. 谱系设计:通过创作logo来讲述品牌永恒的故事,虽然它已经较为常见,但它的作用依然有效,很多客户会继续追求这种风格的设计。2019年,复古纹理、手工打磨和精密线条将大放光彩。
  7. Genealogy Design: The creation of logo to tell the eternal story of the brand, although it is more common, but its role is still effective, many customers will continue to pursue this style of design. In 2019, retro textures, hand-polished and precise lines will shine.
  Genealogy design can clearly convey the relationship between brand and history, and enhance logo's trust.
  8. 重叠元素设计:2019年,重叠元素的设计风格将被越来越多的运用,几何的重复将被用来表达新颖和创意的方式,这将受到大品牌的关注和应用。
  8. Overlapping element design: In 2019, the design style of overlapping elements will be used more and more, and the geometric repetition will be used to express novel and creative ways, which will be concerned and applied by large brands.
  The logo of PayPal, a world-famous electronic payment company, has two overlapping P's, which perfectly reflects the company's huge investment in more than 2.5 billion users.
  9. 加强细节设计:logo设计是传统意义上的小画布,设计师需要在其中充分发挥自己的想象力,用更多的细节来表达品牌形象,往往更能产生深刻的意义。
  9. Strengthen detail design: Logo design is a small canvas in the traditional sense. Designers need to give full play to their imagination and use more details to express the brand image, often more profound significance.
  The red shoe logo uses a pair of red shoes to decorate traditional cock features, such as loose feathers and lively combs, which are easy to find details.
