When designing LOGO, we may have heard the opinions of Party A and think that the meaning of LOGO is not deep enough. When designing LOGO, we should not only consider the simplicity of graphics, but also enrich the connotation of LOGO as much as possible. Faced with such requirements, we will adopt such an effective solution.
What is a plus sign or a minus sign? What are the advantages of this representation?
How to design an amazing shape?
These questions will be answered systematically.
What is a plus or minus sign?
The so-called "positive" and "negative" refer to the same visual symbols with positive and negative forms of graphics. These two kinds of graphics form an organic whole through the complementation of positive and negative space, and produce visual tangible effect in form, which is a visual manifestation with great wisdom and artistic sense.
How many people are there in the picture above? Graphic games like this have been circulating all the time on the Internet, and many people should have played them. Most of these games use positive and negative forms: in this picture, the opposite man and child are orthomorphic shapes, and the mermaid composed of water in the middle is a negative form.
What is negative space?
In order to understand the positive and negative shapes, we must understand the concept of negative space. If we set the color as black and white, we are accustomed to call the space occupied by black orthomorphism negative, white part negative, negative also known as negative space.
In the design process, most of our attention is focused on the obvious conformal form, while ignoring the impact of negative space on the design work. This influence is usually reflected in the symmetry, completeness and correspondence between negative spatial elements. Special attention should be paid to the design of positive and negative shapes.
How to distinguish between orthodox form and negative form?
If you know the concept of negative space, then the concepts of positive space and negative space are easy to understand. The upper dry leaves are positive space and conformal; the women wrapped in the leaves are negative space, i.e. negative form. They are interdependent and complementary, enriching the concept of theme.
Take advantage of positive and negative shapes
1. 双义增加了视觉符号所传达的信息量,丰富了主题
1. Ambiguity increases the amount of information conveyed by visual symbols and enriches the theme.
2. 加深观众对图形的记忆是合理的,也是出乎意料的
2. It is reasonable and unexpected to deepen the audience's memory of graphics.
3. The ingenious transformation of positive and negative forms can stimulate the audience's Association and enhance their interest.
4. 有效提升视觉符号的独特性和原创性
4. Effectively enhance the uniqueness and originality of visual symbols
In affirmative form and negative form, the relationship between affirmative form and negative form is interdependent. Their common boundaries contain two distinct and identical meanings. This boundary line is called the common line.
Positive and negative can coexist because of this common line. In the process of conceiving and designing positive and negative shapes, it is possible to design positive and negative shapes as long as this common line is found.
A black-and-white flower with two hands interwoven together, wonderful design on both sides. The author found a clever public line at the joint of the finger and wrist. This is the common boundary of the black and white areas in the figure above, and the green areas are used in the figure.
Not only can the common lines between the edges of a single graph and the negative space form positive or negative shapes, but also the common lines between the edges of a group of graphs and the negative space can form positive or negative shapes.
How to Identify the Positive and Negative Forms of Subjects
Under normal circumstances, black represents positive, while white represents negative. Audiences first notice conformal shapes, and then discover the existence of negative shapes, forming a visual rhythm.
However, with the change of the focus or angle of observation, the image of a person will also change with the change of people's vision, while the negative image may become the main body of the image of a person carrying important information. Therefore, in positive and negative forms, it is necessary to distinguish the main body of characters and arrange important information in the main body.
