  Jinan Logo Design Company has seen some flawed logo designs and admitted that it has also designed some bad logos in the past. The experience of these years, listed below are some of the designers more likely to make mistakes, similar mistakes have you ever made?
  1. 照搬源设计 原创精神我们要追求,对于接受的任务,品牌战略意识和Logo要齐头并进,确保我们为客户创造的Logo是独一无二。
  1. We should pursue the original spirit of copying the source design. For the tasks we accept, brand strategy consciousness and logo should go hand in hand to ensure that the logo we create for our customers is unique.
  2. 主题不明 Logo必须传达主题信息。如果看过Logo以后对服务的对象仍然一无所知,那么这个设计就是失败的。
  2. Logo with unknown subject must convey subject information. If you look at Logo and you still don't know anything about the object of the service, then the design is a failure.
  3.陈旧平庸   腐旧、老套的图片不要用,旧有的条条框框会让你的设计很快淹没在众多设计当中。记住,Logo就是为了给顾客留下深刻的记忆。
  3. Don't use old, mediocre and stereotyped pictures. Old rules and regulations will soon drown your design in many designs. Keep in mind that Logo is meant to give customers a deep memory.
  4.呈现栅格化 使用Adobe Illustrator、CorelDRAW或者其他矢量软件来计,为了使Logo可伸缩。
  4. Presentation rasterization is calculated using Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW or other vector software to make Logo scalable.
  5. 细节太多 加入太多复杂元素是很多新设计师常犯的错误,总喜欢在Logo里加很多细节、很多言辞、 品牌标语等等。简洁更能让人记住。
  5. It is a common mistake for many new designers to add too many details, too many words, brand slogans and so on. Simplicity is more memorable.
  6. 太花哨 过度倾斜、阴影、纹理、过滤等,一般情况下应尽量避免,间距避免过大或是过小。大众化字体少使用。疯狂的字体尽量不用,使用简单的、专业,并且容易辨认的。过细的字体在电脑上看着很漂亮,但打印出来就不一样了,从远处还不容易辨认。尽量相同的字体(多两种)。
  6. Too fancy, too inclined, shadows, textures, filtering, etc. should be avoided as far as possible in general, and the spacing should be avoided too large or too small. Popular fonts are less used. Crazy fonts should be avoided as much as possible. They are simple, professional and easy to identify. Thin fonts look beautiful on the computer, but they print out differently and are not easy to recognize from a distance. Try to have the same font (at most two).
  7.灰度乱用 设计Logo的时候,济南好的济南标识设计公司有约定俗成的较严格的灰度,保证在彩色、黑白的底色下都有吸引。
  7. When designing logo with gray scale, Jinan's best Ji'nan logo design company has a more stringent gray scale, which guarantees attraction under the background of color and black and white.
  8. 不能缩放   可能这是容易犯的错误在Logo设计中。确保设计可以让客户任意进行缩放。
  8. Not scaling is probably the easiest mistake to make in Logo design. Ensure that the design allows customers to zoom in and out at will.
  9.过于抽象化   可能看上去比较专业,但太抽象的Logo不能真正地为顾客们传递消息。
  9. Excessive abstraction may seem professional, but too abstract Logo can't really deliver messages to customers.
  Finally, don't copy logo, and one more thing, don't mismatch the colors, poor color matching will destroy the logo, find a suitable color for the target customer bar!
