First, cost saving
Brand based design can not only save the cost of supply, but also improve the efficiency of operation. The effective thinking of product supply force guides the designer to fully consider the requirements of brand positioning, cost accounting, brand protection and so on.
Two, improve brand exposure rate
Zhi Ding brand design company believes that one of the differences between excellent brand and mediocre brand is that the former can get higher exposure rate under the same investment. With constant investment, brand positioning, theme and style can naturally jump out of crowded shelves, causing customers' attention, enhancing brand awareness and improving product sales. Similarly, the unique design and overall brand style consistent retail space, can jump out of the complex environment, caused by people's consumption impulse.
Three, improve customer loyalty
The formation and maintenance of customer loyalty, on the one hand, comes from the overall satisfaction with the quality of products and services, on the other hand, comes from the high recognition of brand value, brand style and brand culture. Based on brand design, not only can improve the stability and quality difference of product value, customer trust and make more convincing, more important is that it can properly convey the brand positioning, values and target consumer image, to enable them to find a sense of belonging, so as to establish brand loyalty, brand competition effectively shield temptation.
Four, improve brand value added
The source of brand value added is the higher brand, the two is more stable quality, the three is the brand advantage, and the four is the added value. Under the condition of constant brand, the distinctive design of packaging will inevitably lead to different customers' cognition of product value.
Five, the overall protection of brand
The ways of brand protection include pre protection and market protection. In the pre stage of brand protection, design is the value of trademarks, designs of design patent and other aspects of the pre registration protection; protection in the market stage, the value of design is to improve the brand quality, authentic and trustworthy, follow the trend of design against, reduce the consumer's false consumption ratio, protect yourself brand earnings.
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