Jinan logo design, logo design represents the image of the enterprise, the company, is a landmark product, every component is very important. For the use of space, we should first find the blank in the composition. Vicky stru, a famous American designer, believes that the use of white space reflects a delicate understanding of composition. From the perspective of the overall pattern of design, it requires the overall harmony and aesthetic layout design. In composition, we should not only consider the shape and position of the blank, but also check the structure of the blank and pay attention to the integrity of the blank. The integrity of the picture requires the blank not only to have a unique charm, but also to echo the main body. There is no echo of the blank, people can not understand the meaning of the blank, the work becomes empty and boring. Designers make full use of the blank space of graphics, text and art to solve the harmonious relationship between elements, so that the layout is unified and the layout is stable and generous. However, the contrast between blank space, words and pictures is strong and weak, which is flexible and vivid.
Look for gaps in share. The proportion of blank space in modern design directly affects the quality of books. After all, how much blank space can achieve the perfect effect. The reference of the blank part is conscious and purposeful. Don't leave everywhere and leave at will, otherwise the charm of the blank will be greatly reduced. Analysis: blank space works best in one-third to two-thirds of the pictures. If it is beyond this range, the risk will increase, because the success or failure of this book depends entirely on the application of blank space.
Large scale white space is relatively small compared to graphics and text. However, due to the large area of blank, the small area of graphics and text appears more concentrated and concentrated, making the picture more atmospheric and romantic, more broad and circular, the work will be full of modern sense and common artistic charm. Through the processing of black-and-white sharing, a strong visual contrast, orientation contrast, color contrast, and efficient information transmission of graphics and text are formed. If the large area of the blank is used improperly, the work will be judged as failure, so the use of large area of the blank should be cautious.
现代平面设计是一种瞬时艺术。一个统一的广告或设计作品,只要2 - 3秒就能进入人们的脑海,这不仅要求设计信息的完整性,也考验着设计师布局的合理组织。例如,周围有很多空格的主要形象设计,这不仅减轻了主要和次要形象之间的紧张关系,但也强调了主体,和连接布局清晰,清爽悦目,一位杰出的对观众的阅读指导的影响。
Modern graphic design is a kind of instantaneous art. A unified advertising or design work, as long as 2 - 3 seconds can enter people's minds, which not only requires the integrity of design information, but also tests the reasonable organization of designer layout. For example, there are many spaces around the main image design, which not only reduces the tension between the main image and the secondary image, but also emphasizes the main body, clear connection layout, refreshing and pleasing to the eyes, an outstanding influence on the audience's reading guidance.
In addition, you can search for whitespace in the content. The blank in the design is not the real nothingness, but the content, the whole and the infinite. There is a certain blank in the picture, which forms the space of visual illusion, so that the audience can think about what the illusion is, what the author's purpose is, and guide the audience to explore the deep meaning and enter another situation. In its concise form to convey the rich meaning, to achieve twice the result with half the effort.
Blank is like a mime in a play. It's not a lack of words, but a body language of increasingly attractive plots and fantasies, emotions and stories. The audience will not leave because there is no sound. They will be moved by this silent way. They will appreciate body language as an art content. The same is true in design. Although there is no text or image, the space for fantasy and aftertaste is consciously set aside. However, it enables the viewer to see the original picture without anything, gives an endless feeling and enriches the space with imagination. Blank may be more vivid and imaginative than reality. It requires the viewer to make up for the content outside the picture and associate the artistic conception outside the content.
Graphic design is a two-dimensional modeling method of publicity materials. Thanks to the current art, it needs to make the audience unforgettable and unforgettable in limited space and time. Therefore, simplicity has become the style proposition of many designers. Blank is a simple and attractive design language. It uses simple visual language to convey the design concept to the audience.
It is no exaggeration to say that the blank design has become a higher level of art blank, looking for the beauty of harmony in the simple format; the blank art appreciation has become a space full of fantasy, looking for verve and beauty in the unreal content. Since the beginning of the arts and crafts movement in the last century, designers have attached great importance to the use of blank space to reflect the space-time extension and content of design. The blank space enriches modern design and visual design.
In the design and even the whole modern design, we must not ignore the blank. In the layout, sharing, content and other aspects of conscious blank, call for the audience to fill in the blank, constitute the soul of interaction between design and audience, to achieve the highest level of design.
A piece of white paper can give people unlimited possibilities. You can depict the imagination of the world on the paper, or write a pen and a flower... The key is to find the right direction and start sailing.
