  Do you know why the works of design masters are so exquisite and profound? If you want to understand their design process, this article will guide you to find out and see the design skills of design masters.
  01, fade
  看着这些褪色和褪色的徽标,有一种尴尬的美丽。 使用白色渐变效果将使人们能够自动充满整个图像,这非常有节奏。
  Looking at these faded and faded logos, there is an awkward beauty. Using a white gradient will allow people to automatically fill the entire image, which is very rhythmic.
  02, color gradient
  颜色渐变是司空见惯的。 当主要品牌更新徽标时,他们会选择颜色渐变,例如Instagram,淘宝等。 使用渐变色可以使徽标更年轻,更充满活力。
  Color gradients are common. When major brands update their logos, they will choose color gradients, such as instagram, Taobao, etc. Use gradients to make the logo younger and more vibrant.
  Do you know the skill of logo design?
  03, simple geometry
  在徽标设计中,几何是最基本的。 但是,如何通过拼接三个或四个图形来达到创新的目的是值得考虑的。 例如,右下角仅使用爱情,两个圆圈和一个矩形来形成相机的形状,也表达了电影的爱情。
  In logo design, geometry is the most basic. However, how to achieve the goal of innovation by splicing three or four figures is worth considering. For example, the lower right corner only uses love, two circles and a rectangle to form the shape of the camera, which also expresses the love of the movie.
  04, translucent overlay
  通过半透明的重叠,可以获得新的形状和颜色,更不用说万事达信用卡花费800万美元来转换新图像的事实,从而简化了两个重叠的圆圈。 实际上,这种方法更适合实体金融公司。 透明的部分是告诉消费者投资是开放的,检查和过程非常安全,从而使消费者更加放心。
  Through translucent overlapping, new shapes and colors can be obtained, not to mention the fact that MasterCard spends $8 million to convert new images, thus simplifying the two overlapping circles. In fact, this approach is more suitable for real financial companies. The transparent part is to tell consumers that investment is open, inspection and process are very safe, so that consumers can be more assured.
  05, 3D bending
  If you can't meet your flat pattern, please try 3D modeling, highlight the layering of logo with strong shadow, and 3D shape can better meet the personalized needs of customers.
