  About the new contact design of Xiaobai or the future to contact the design of Party A, will not understand the logo design of the grid and circle, its role and significance disturbed many people, let's take a look at it together.
  In the early manual period, there was no computer graphics, all the design drawings were hand-drawn, then more auxiliary lines were needed to assist the standardization of graphics, so as to achieve the same proportion in later use or reproduction. Although we now have some software such as PS/AI/CAD, which can draw standard graphics accurately, there is no lack of auxiliary lines in the design to help us better complete the design.
  I. Basic Standard Contents of Auxiliary Lines
  Perhaps some people will say that the auxiliary line is used to improve bigger, but we standardize the drawing, not just to show who, but to make LOGO look more exquisite and beautiful, each oblique angle, arc, spacing, radian should be unified and beautiful. The function of auxiliary line is standard drawing and auxiliary drawing.
  2. Choice of Form and Visual Aesthetic Sense
  Of course, the use of auxiliary graphics is to ultimately improve the design, rather than the root configuration of the wrist used at the beginning. We don't need every design to rely on auxiliary lines, auxiliary graphics, gold ratio and so on. Sometimes designers have to believe more in their own aesthetics. Not everything designed with auxiliary lines is "perfect". Sometimes appropriate manual adjustment is more aesthetic than accurate auxiliary lines.
  3. Opportunities Control for Participating in Auxiliary Lines
  As mentioned above, the auxiliary line is to adjust the vision at the design time, not to stuff the design into the auxiliary line at last. If you simply copy it mechanically, these auxiliary lines will not help your design visually, on the contrary, they will appear confused; or if you want to express some important information such as element alignment in the design, it is also possible to add auxiliary lines in the later stage. The use of every line and circle in the graphics is to make our design more perfect and to deepen our understanding of the logo structure.
