我自己主张网上设计服务平台是不靠谱的.  因为设计师不希望设计行业被市场化,  简单点就是做烂市,  而且重复劳动无效劳动多,  白生产.
  I personally advocate that the online design service platform is unreliable. Because designers do not want the design industry to be marketized, the simplest point is to make a bad market, and duplicate work ineffective labor, white production.
  你要做VI.就给你点建议.  不谈设计谈点别的。
  If you want to do VI, I'll give you some advice. Let's not talk about design.
  先算好,  你能承受的各种要生产的物料价钱和数量,如名片你能承受多少钱100张, 折页或者画册你的预算有多少以此算出可以使用什么工艺.
  First, calculate the price and quantity of all kinds of materials you can afford to produce, such as how much you can afford 100 business cards, folders or albums, and how much your budget is, so as to figure out what process you can use.
  然后,  列个清单,  列出所有你将会把VI会使用到的所有地方,  以此统计出以下的内容.  请记得不要忽略一些公司内部单据,  如货单,  票据,  我是经常试过从1年前的收货单找回供应商电话的事情.
  Then, make a list of all the places you will use VI to count the following. Please remember not to overlook some internal documents, such as bills of lading and bills. I often try to get the supplier's phone back from the receipt a year ago.
  比如logo是否会经常印在某些材质上,  是否要在很细的面积内放VI的内容,  是否有网站,  logo的显示面积大概多少像素,横的多竖的多,  窄条使用多不多印彩色多还是单色多还是材料刻蚀.......
  For example, whether logo is often printed on certain materials, whether VI content should be placed in a very thin area, whether there is a website, how many pixels the logo display area is about, how many horizontal and vertical, how many color or monochrome or material etching are used in narrow strips, etc.
  And so on and so on. So we can get a general physical range of the design.
  不管你找什么公司,什么人做设计,如果一概不咨询或者只问很少连你都知道的上面我说的那些内容的,  一概不靠谱.找专业设计的价值,  就是他们会考虑到你考虑不到的地方.
  No matter what company or person you are looking for to design, if you don't consult or ask only what I said above that you seldom know, it's unreliable. The value of professional design is that they will take into account what you can't consider.
  VI设计可怕不是不够好看不够高大上惨的是,  你钱砸了,  买回来的东西好看不好用, 或者根本不能用!
  The most terrible thing about VI design is not that it's not good enough to look good enough to be tall enough. The most tragic thing is that you've lost your money and bought something that looks good or doesn't work at all.
If you have the requirement of Jinan VI design, you can click on our official website for consultation: http://www.facons.cn
