  VI Design Company's advertising has strong visual impact, an independent category of outstanding creative ideas, popular art forms. Creative thinking is the core of advertising design, and the principle of thinking is the subconscious method of creating unique and excellent works. Using the principle of thinking to create advertisements will have unexpected effects.
  1. imagination
  VI Design Company refers to the process of using past experience to fabricate the image of the present, or to innovate the image of the image in the brain. In order to form visual imagination, the first is to rely on the visual experience that the subject has perceived in the past or the existing experience in the knowledge structure; the second is to rely on the creativity of the brain, which requires the wisdom to process the image; the third is to extend the thinking of the current image, which is something that the subject has not directly perceived. These three conditions are indispensable.
  2. Lenovo
  VI Design Company can connect any objective thing with other things, and the different connections of things are reflected in people's brains to form connections. This process of recalling the experience of one thing from another is called association. VI Design Company, Lenovo is the revival of temporary thinking links that have been formed in thinking. Lenovo has four basic laws:
  ①接近规律。在时间与空间上接近的事物容易引发联想。 ②对比规律。在性质上或特点上相反的事物容易引发联想。这是由于反差条件所造成的 。③相似规律。在形状或内容上相似的事物容易引发联想。比如利用知名度较高的商品或焦点事物来做广告,以扩大自己商品的知名度。 ④因果规律。在逻辑中有因果关系的事物容易引发联想。人们的联想过程通常是依据主体的逻辑推理与判断对事物作出因果联系的联想。
  (1) Approaching the law. Things that are close in time and space are liable to evoke associations. (2) Contrast law. Things that are contrary in nature or characteristics are liable to evoke associations. This is due to the contrast condition. (3) Similar laws. Things similar in shape or content are liable to evoke associations. For example, advertise with well-known commodities or focus items to expand the popularity of their own commodities. (4) The law of cause and effect. Things with causality in logic are liable to evoke associations. People's association process is usually based on the subject's logical reasoning and judgment to make causal association.
  3. Synaesthesia
  VI设计公司把由一种感觉引起的另一种感觉的变化称为联觉。广告视觉传达设计的目的之一就是要达到一定的联觉效应,因此要充分利用人们在认识事物过程中所具有的联觉心理规律。 比如借用橙色调的硕果感物象来衬托食品;借助兰、绿色调的清爽感物象来衬托饮料等等。
  VI Design Company calls synaesthesia the change of another feeling caused by one feeling. One of the purposes of advertising visual communication design is to achieve a certain synaesthesia effect, so we should make full use of the synaesthesia psychological law in the process of understanding things. For example, we can borrow orange-toned fruitful sensory images to foil food, blue-toned and green-toned refreshing sensory images to foil drinks and so on.
  VI design company design creative advertising will give the audience a different look and feel, will make people feel the spiritual connotation, is the best manifestation of the life of advertising design. Advertising design exists because of its vitality, and the principle of thinking is to make the life of advertising more lasting. As far as VI design company is concerned, only by constantly absorbing the culture of all walks of life and improving VI design company's accomplishment, can we better grasp the creative ideas.
