  Character 1: Recognition
  Corporate VI design should make corporate image identifiable, which is one of the important functions of corporate VI design. As the market competition intensifies from time to time, there are numerous VI trademark symbols. As long as the characteristics are clear, easy to identify and remember, the meaning is deep and the appearance is beautiful, the enterprise VI logo can stand out in the industry, leave a deep impression on the enterprise and deepen the understanding of the enterprise image.
  Characteristics 2: Guidance
  VI design is the center of enterprise visual communication elements. The appearance, color and application of enterprise VI logo directly determine the way of identifying elements. The establishment of other elements of the enterprise visual identification system is centered around the VI logo of the enterprise. Therefore, the guiding position of enterprise VI design is the concentrated expression of enterprise operation ideas and activities, which runs through all the operation activities of enterprises and has an authoritative guiding role.
  Characteristic 3: Identity
  VI design represents the operation concept, cultural characteristics and value orientation of the enterprise, reflects the industrial characteristics and operation ideas of the enterprise, and is the detailed meaning of the enterprise body. The mass's recognition of corporate VI logo is equal to the recognition of enterprises, so corporate VI design can not be separated from the practice of enterprises, violate corporate objectives, and only do the logo of appearance work, then, it will lose the significance of corporate VI design itself, and even form a negative impact on corporate image.
  Jinan VI design and other related information can be clicked on our official website for consultation: http://www.facons.cn
