  In the previous article, we talked about the importance of brand to enterprises and the elements of brand shaping. If brand is the presentation of corporate image, Xicao Shenzhen Design Company tells you that VI is the media of brand image transmission, the most intuitive visual presentation, and the most memorable logo for consumers. So if VI system is designed and implemented in place, it is a scientific visual identification system. It is a fast and convenient way to disseminate business philosophy, establish enterprise visibility and shape enterprise image.
  What does brand VI design include?
  Brand VI design includes: brand name design, brand logo design, product packaging, brand standard Chinese and English style, brand standard color, brand IP image, brand album, unified and identifiable office, cultural goods and other images.
  Basic Principles of Brand VI Design
  Brand VI design has some basic design rules, such as easy to remember, attractive Association and so on, but it also needs to give different suggestions according to brand attributes, such as positioning, consumer groups, brand culture and so on. Xicao Shenzhen Design Company also needs to remind you that VI system is an important visual image to distinguish brand. To highlight brand memory, brand differentiation is indispensable.
  1. Reproduction, plagiarism and lack of originality.
  2. VI design lacks associative impression and memory points, and the memory cost is too high.
  3. The expression of the main image is too much and complex, which makes consumers associate the brand incorrectly.
  4. The visual presentation effect does not match the strength of the enterprise, resulting in the loss of brand reputation.
  5. The brand image lacks industry attributes, which is incompatible with the market.
  How to do a set of VI design well
  If enterprise VI has the above problems, then it does not have the basic attributes and functions of VI system, and enterprises can not use this set of things to obtain more effective economic benefits and dissemination basis. In order to design a successful VI design, besides following the above design principles, Xicao Shenzhen Design Company summarizes the following points of view. When making VI design, brands may wish to consider the following points. Question!
  1、有没有对消费者起到强化识别作用? 既能否表现品牌产品、服务等与竞争品牌的差异性。
  1. Has it played an important role in strengthening consumer identification? Whether it can show the difference between brand products, services and competitive brands.
  2、有没有突出品牌的核心表达元素? 既有没有突出其品牌的核心优势。如某品牌想要突出其日本品牌的优势,那么在logo设计元素里,必定要体现出其日本品牌的属性。
  2. Do you highlight the core elements of brand expression? Has not highlighted its brand's core advantages. If a brand wants to highlight the advantages of its Japanese brand, the logo design elements must reflect the attributes of its Japanese brand.
  3、VI形象与消费者审美是否贴合? 既分析品牌消费者人群,要彰显出他们的个性和审美习惯及精神追求,表达出品牌与他们相符合的特质。
  3. Is the VI image compatible with consumer aesthetics? It is necessary to show their personality, aesthetic habits and spiritual pursuit, and to express the characteristics of the brand in line with them.
  The above content is collated and published by Jinan VI design factory. More related content can be consulted by clicking on our official website: http://www.facons.cn
