谈到好的商品或者品牌设计,我们必须明白,一件产品之好,背后总是有其好的因素。好的品牌设计,必须出人意表,必须具备前瞻性,必须要有延续性的活体,而且必须要引起情绪反应,要有emotional touch。每一部成功的电影,共同点就是能触动观众的内心,引起他们的情绪反应。一首经典的歌曲,总能在你脑海里勾起你生命中某几个特殊的情景,你的情绪会因为歌词和旋律而起伏,如果内心一点涟漪也没有,那么这首歌对你而言只是蜻蜓点水,浮光掠影,算不上经典,也算不上好歌。
  When it comes to good product or brand design, we must understand that there are always good factors behind a good product. A good brand design must be unexpected, forward-looking, continuous, and emotional touch. The common point of every successful movie is that it can touch the audience's heart and arouse their emotional reaction. A classic song can always evoke in your mind a few special situations in your life, your emotions will fluctuate because of lyrics and melodies, if there is no ripple in your heart, then this song is just a little bit of water for you, floating light, not classic, not a good song.
  In the same way, brand design is the same. It must arouse other people's emotional reaction, which sometimes takes care of your vanity, sometimes takes care of your deep feelings, so that you do not want to have the necessary impulse to this product.
  If we don't have the courage to take risks, we will have 800 fake iPhones made by Apple, without our own design, and our wealth will never be able to rob our homes. On the stage of our brand, we will never be laughed at or looked up. 。 In the long run, we will become a nation that can only copy without originality, and our national gene is only the remaining cowardice and timidity.
  The most important thing for high-end brands is not only their outstanding qualities, but also the cultural symbols behind each brand. A consumer of a high-end brand must first accept the cultural value behind the brand, in order to develop the mentality of worship, continuous consumption, and never tire of it. It is impossible to establish a new high-end brand correctly and successfully if the importance of cultural significance behind the brand is completely ignored.
  The above content is designed and published by Jinan VI. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you need any other questions, please consult us at http://www.facons.cn.
