Top-level graphics planning refers to the disordered text and planning in accordance with certain rules and space regularly summarized with them, so that words and pictures have a better visual effect. When choosing the layout of the album, select the top-level album to plan the layout, and give customers a new visual impact.
The layout of the top picture book contains the layout of text and pattern. Generally speaking, compared with text typesetting, the composition of the picture is relatively simple. The layout of pictures generally refers to the base of the pictures made by PS technology. The original pictures are more beautiful and beautiful. Then, according to the layout of the needs, the corresponding text is pierced. After completing these operations, we must check the size and page number of school pictures to ensure that the pictures are correctly typesetted.
Printing is rather complicated. First of all, it is necessary to have a certain understanding of the given words and to combine them with the appropriate format. Good content can only be planned on the basis of correct understanding of words and selection of fonts. Secondly, text should be categorized. The main and secondary levels will be divided into several levels according to the text stage, and the orientation of text placement should be paid attention to. The visual aesthetics and common reading habits should be paid attention to when choosing orientation. Only by choosing the orientation of text can the visual effect of typesetting be better.
Later, it is the formal arrangement of the content. If the words are too long, we can choose the column of the text according to the meaning of the stage. There are some exquisite choices in the font selection. Regular script is more sophisticated and the font is more elegant. We can choose the font according to the style of the text. The line spacing and color of the text also need to be examined carefully.
The top-level picture book plan takes all these variables into account, making the whole album plan look more elegant and beautiful. Give you a new visual impact.
