The interrelationship between colors is the center of color composition. Color can be consistently divided into many levels of red, color contact with the level of increasing and disorderly, with the reduction of levels and simplified, the relationship between different levels can be separated into consideration for the landscape and key color. Set color is often used as a large area of color gray tone, key color is often used as a small area of color, in color, brightness is higher than the background. On the basis of color consistency, one can adopt the method of strengthening color power, i.e. repetition, rhythm, and contrast emphasizing the color action of a particular part.
RGB 是红绿蓝三色英文字母的缩写,是构成所有颜色的三个根本颜色,是光线的颜色混合模式。
RGB is the abbreviation for the red, green and blue letters. It is the three basic colors that make up all the colors. It is the color blending mode of light.
红+绿=黄 红+蓝=品红/洋红 蓝+绿=青色
Red + Green = Huang Hong + blue = magenta / magenta blue + Green = green
红+蓝+绿=白色 外部黑色 由于无光
Red + Blue + Green = white external black because of no light
Each color of a circle can be mixed by the two colors around it.
补色联系 红+青=白 蓝+黄=白 绿+洋红=白
Complementary color: Red + Green = white blue + yellow = white green + magenta = white.
Color balance is used to color the color principle
暗影 是画面中暗的部分
Shadow is the darkest part of the picture
中心调 颜色相对中和的部分
A relatively neutral part of the center.
高光 画面中亮的那些部分
The brightest parts of a high - light picture
色彩 温暖 调成 严寒色彩
Color warm into cold color
暗影部分 脖子 手套 面具
Shadow part of the neck glove mask
高光 眼睛 布景 等颜色鲜明的部分。
A brightly colored part of a high light eye.
