In the process of digital graphics prepress processing, the original image scanned by the image input device is converted into digital information, and then the computer processing system, typesetting, image correction, color separation, creative and other processing are processed into a web page. The formed layout information can be recorded and sent to the output note. Record equipment, film, or board record. In this process, image scanning input, network and record output are all related to resolution.
The difference between the level of equipment and equipment used in different work links, and the differences between professional and non professional devices can be divided into scanning resolution, screen resolution, the number of printed network cables with resolution, and the output resolution of the printer and the laser phototypesetting machine. In the design world, it is usually the size of the mail that measures the resolution of the image.
Pixels are the basic units of image files. High resolution images contain more pixels than low resolution images. For example, in an image with a resolution of 72 inches, it contains 5184 pixels and contains 90000 pixels in the same size and resolution of 300. The resolution of the image depends on the resolution of the image. The high resolution image usually shows more details and subtle color changes than the low resolution image. The higher the resolution, the thinner the layer, the more subtle the color changes.
The resolution and pixel size of the image are independent of each other. In image settings, the resolution can be changed, but it is impossible to improve the pixels of the image. If the image resolution is improved only according to the inherent pixels of the image, it is impossible to improve the quality of the image, but only increase the volume of the image and take up more storage space. When magnifying the size of bitmap images, there may be two options to increase the resolution of the image.
