An excellent LOGO can't just put some words together with one or two figures. We should devote ourselves to an excellent LOGO instead of staying at one level.
A good LOGO its potential is very large, whether it contains a picture or just plain text, it will make people can't help to focus on its body, which makes people more clearly understand the company or product, and get better attention, on this point, every company or product LOGO is unique, can make it with other company's LOGO product mix up.
In addition, the design of LOGO should be clear, and it can't be complicated. We should design LOGO so as to make people connect with a company or product quickly and easily. A good LOGO, it can strengthen your brand, and better convey the mood, tone, and feeling of your company.
LOGO can be divided into three categories:
1. font LOGO, text based LOG. It is usually twisted and changed in some of the existing fonts. The font LOGO is especially suitable for diversified businesses that invest in more than one industry.
2. figurative LOGO, using a graph that is directly related to the type of the company. Usually, it can directly provide the meaning of a company name. It is very common. The reason may be that these LOGO are easy to identify, leaving only little open explanation space for you. Local and small businesses seem to be particularly fond of this kind of LOGO.
3. abstract graphics, LOGO, usually have no obvious connection with the type of a company, and may be more based on a feeling or emotion. Abstract graphics LOGO are used to diversify businesses because they convey emotions and keynotes.
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I believe you can understand all of the above contents. If you have any questions, please click on our official website, Ji'nan VI, design http://www.facons.cn, or call for consultation.
