In order to reach a consistent corporate image of international communication and consistency, should use the unified design and mass communication, visual integration design perfect, information and understanding of personalized, clear and orderly, the unified image of various forms of media, create a unified storage and dissemination of corporate philosophy and visual image so, to focus and strengthen the corporate image, the dissemination of information more quickly and effectively, to the public impression and strong influence.
The various elements of the corporate identity, to standardize enterprise from concept to visual elements, the design specification for unified, international communication adopts the unified mode, and always adhere to long-term use, not easy to change. In order to achieve the same nature and realize the standardization of VI design, we must adopt simplified, unified, serial, combination, general and other methods to make a comprehensive reshaping of the corporate image.
Two, difference
企业形象为了能获得社会大众的认同,必须是个性化的、与众不同的,因此差异性的原则十分重要。   差异性首先表现在不同行业的区分,因为,在社会性大众心目中,不同行业的企业与机构均有其行业的形象特征,如化妆品企业与机械工业企业的企业形象特征应是截然不同的。在设计时必须突出行业特点,才能使其与其它它行业有不同的形象特征,有利于识别认同。其次必须突出与同行业其它企业的差别,才能独具风采,脱颖而出。
In order to obtain the social recognition, the corporate image must be personalized and distinctive, so the principle of diversity is very important. The difference between the first performance in different industries, because, in the social public image of the characteristics of different industries, enterprises and institutions have their industry, such as corporate image features of cosmetics companies and machinery industry enterprises should be different. In the design must highlight the characteristics of the industry, in order to make it and other industries have different image features, is conducive to identification. Secondly, we must highlight the differences with other enterprises in the same industry in order to stand out.
Three, effectiveness
Validity refers to the enterprise by the planning and design of the VI scheme can effectively promote the use of VI, is to solve the problem, not the dress, so can the operation and ease of operation, the operation is a very important problem
Four, aesthetic
好的vi设计能将原本枯燥的语言通过具有艺术性和趣味性的视觉图形表现出来,生动活泼的vi设计能吸引读者的视线,引发读者的好奇心.给人美感,让人心动,所以完美的vi设计有巨大的审美价值。   优秀的VI设计应其有强烈的视觉冲击力,且形式完美、装饰性强、创意独特,使人赏心悦目,让人们在愉悦中牢记其品牌含义。
Good VI design can be shown with artistic and interesting visual graphic boring language by VI design, lively and vivid can attract the attention of readers, arouse readers' curiosity. Sensuous, exciting, so the design of VI perfect aesthetic tremendous value. Excellent VI design should have a strong visual impact, and form perfect, decorative, creative unique, so that people pleasing to the eye, so that people in the joy of keeping in mind its brand meaning.
