1,对印刷品的尺寸要尽早的明确下来, 要以书面的形式明确的提示给设计方。
1, the size of the printed matter should be made clear as soon as possible, and should be clearly given in writing to the design side.
2, the content provided if more, it is best not to change many times, so that it is prone to errors.
3, the color of the picture in the computer, in the print and printed matter is impossible to consistent, to ensure that the color of printing tends to consistency, basically still depends on the designer and printing collar machine experience.
4,如果对色彩失真度没有过高要求,可以采用数码打样技术,但这要求设计师有足够的对色彩,文字,出片等方面的把握能力才可 。
4, if the color distortion is not too demanding, you can use digital proofing technology, but this requires designers to have enough color, text, film and other aspects of the ability to grasp.
5,出片环节不可忽视。这是一个极易出错的步骤,一定要留出多一些时间,时间太紧会容易 出错。 在出片时要给出足够的时间进行修改和确认,不是立刻即可出片、打样和印刷的, 一般都要进行出片前的一系列转化,如不考虑这段时间,往往会因仓促出片错误连篇。
5, the film link can not be ignored. This is a very error prone procedure. Be sure to set aside more time and time is too tight to make mistakes. Modify and confirm in given enough time to film, can not immediately a slice, proofing and printing, generally performed a series of transformation before, if not considering this period of time, often because of a hasty mistakes.
6,要配合设计方在定稿上签字。分清彼此的责任,当时麻烦但事后却为大家都带来了便利和 保障。
6, to cooperate with the design of the final signature. Distinguish each other's responsibilities, then trouble, but after all, but for everyone brought convenience and protection.
7,给印刷尽可能多一点的时间。有很多工序是需要时间的,比如印后不凉干就不能开始下一道工序,否则,就很容易会出次品,很多公司把时间都浪费在前期,后在印刷上拼命去 挤一两天时间,实在是一种冒险的行为。
7, give printing as little time as possible. There are a lot of process takes time, such as India not dry would not start the next operation, otherwise, it is easy to be defective, many companies are wasting time in the last one or two days, trying to squeeze time in printing, it is a kind of risky behavior.
8, the printing of this link is impossible to have 100% perfect, both sides cooperate well, will minimize the defect rate.
This article is designed by Ji'nan VI for you, our website is: http://www.facons.cn, we will wholeheartedly provide you with better quality of service, you are welcome to visit!
